Product Overview
Two position comfortable moulded seat (upright and layback). Swing out bar for easy access. Available in Lemon only.
baby's health depends on how you look after it, this blog explains and illustrates how to care for a good baby so the baby can be healthy and smart. This blog also provides various kinds of information about new products that are good for babies. This blog also provides nutrition and healthy baby food.
Two position comfortable moulded seat (upright and layback). Swing out bar for easy access. Available in Lemon only.
Over the course of the next few weeks, Organic Baby Products 101 will be reviewing baby care products. We have written about the dangers of traditional baby care products and how dangerous they can be to our children without us even realizing it. Lathering our babies’ skin with smelly lotion and bathing them in bubble baths makes us feel good and them smell good but is it good for them? It is our hope to review some great products, give some away and give our take on whether they clean, how they smell and yes, if they are safe. With our children both having sensitive skin, eczema and allergies and one child having asthma – we are pretty critical. Have you seen our article on making your own baby care products?
The timing is really good for this article from Smart Family Tips where they draw attention to the Kids Safe Chemical Act and the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep Cosmetics Database. The article really draws attention to the brands that are not so safe but that most parents immediately are drawn to for traditional reasons. Johnson and Johnson for example, just had a commercial about how the products were used when we were a child so now we should trust them for our own adult skin. After reading the Smart Family Tips, I’m not sure how “trustworthy” the products really are. It’s eye opening to the say the least but shouldn’t we demand better for our health and for our children’s health?
Daily Timetable
A consultant’s ward round takes place each day in the morning at around 09:00 am. The nurses change shift three times a day 07:10, 14:15 and 21:30 and this takes approximately half an hour.
During ward rounds and hand over, confidential information about each baby is discussed, so you may be asked to wait in the parents room, if you are visiting at these times. If you wish to be present when your baby is being seen, this can be easily arranged.
Also should you wish to see a doctor at any stage during your baby’s admission just let the nursing staff know and they will arrange this at a convenient time to you.
The SCBU has an open visiting policy 24 hours a day for parents, siblings and grandparents. There is a limit of two visitors per cot (excluding siblings). Except quiet time. All visitors should visit with at least one parent .
No other children are permitted to visit the SCBU, in order to minimise any infection risk.
It has been identified that infants will grow faster and recover quicker when able to rest and have periods of deep sleep, unfortunately due to the nature of the SCBU and the need for investigations and noisy monitoring equipment this can be difficult to achieve.
Quiet Times
We have a designated quiet time between 13.30 and 15.30 in which we dim the lights, turn off any music and restrict visiting only to mothers who need to feed their baby at these times. Where possible any intervention from medical or nursing staff will be avoided thus allowing the infants to have some quiet sleep.
Security and Confidentiality
For the purposes of confidentiality, information about your baby will only be given to the parents over the phone, the direct line number for SCBU is 01276 604357.
Parents can contact the unit at anytime to enquire about their baby but we are unable to give information to anybody else and so ask that relatives contact you for updates.
SCBU is protected by a security system, which only allows visitors into the unit if they have been identified either by the wall phone or via the CCTV. The buzzer must be pressed in order to gain entry.
If staff do not answer the door immediately please accept our apologies but it is probably because we are busy dealing with a baby but will answer it as soon as possible.
Information concerning your baby will be on the cot card and in the folder at the cot side, these are for your information only and so we ask that other babies and their parent’s rights to privacy be respected.
Taking of photographs of your baby is permitted within the unit.
On entering the SCBU the first thing you will be asked will be to remove your outdoor coat before entering the nurseries and then to wash your hands. This should be carried out with the soap followed by the alcohol gel and done even if you do not intend to touch your baby, this is the same for all visitors.
Hand towels are placed in the black bin bags and nappies etc are placed in the yellow bin bags.
Care Times
All infants admitted to the unit are given “cares” at various times throughout the day, this may involve a nappy change, feed, mouth care or position changing. Premature and sick infants tire easily and require a maximum amount of rest in order to recover. So we try to handle the baby only at these times and so if the baby is well enough it will be at these times that you will be able to become involved in your baby’s care and most importantly have cuddles.
These cares take place 3,4, or 6 hourly depending on the stability of your baby’s condition. We always try to coordinate care times to when you are able to visit. So please feel free to ring us and let us know the times you will be coming in.
When you visit your baby the name of the nurse looking after your baby should be written on the cot whiteboard and she will inform you of any changes since your last visit and let you know of any plans made for the future care of your baby. If you are not sure please ask.
You will be supplied with a top bowl and nappy bowl as well as a couple of nappies and cotton wool to start with.
Following this we request that you supply nappies, cotton wool and barrier cream if required.
Premature nappies are generally available in most of the large supermarkets and Boots.
We do have a large supply of infant clothes that can be used whilst your baby is rapidly growing, but if you prefer to bring in your own just let a member of staff know and ensure all clothes are labelled.
Your baby’s dirty laundry will be placed in a bag by the cot side for you to take home and wash.
It is nice for the babies to have a small toy in their cots; often this is a gift from their siblings.
For prevention of cross infection all supplies are kept for the sole use of your baby alone.
Unit Facilities
Our SCBU has a family room that has recently undergone renovation, in order to provide a separate seating area for parents to use whilst visiting, tea and coffee making facilities are available.
You are welcome to make use of these at any time, but we ask that you please wash up your cups after use and leave the room as you would wish to find it, so that others can enjoy it too. The room also has a toilet, shower and a sofa bed, which is used by parents to stay overnight prior to their baby’s discharge, if they wish to do so, to help allay any anxieties at this time.